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SmartRow - WaterRower App


Precision performance measurement

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SmartRow is a high-tech powermeter for the WaterRower that wirelessly connects to your smartphone / tablet. The electronics inside the SmartRow measures absolute power, distance, work-per-stroke, and calories, for you to keep track of your performance.



Chart your workouts

SmartRow will turn your WaterRower into a true lab grade ergometer and will track all your workouts for yo

Improve your technique

By using the force curve you can monitor each stroke and therefore have thé best feedback.Optimize your stroke length, peak force and total energy every stroke!


See your progress

SmartRow saves all your workouts, personal records and your fitness-variables. Keep track of your improvements!

Compete against others

Compare performance data with fellow WaterRower owners from the comfort of your home, challenge your teammate to an all-out 2k at the boathouse, or simply find your daily motivation by racing against the pace boat to break your personal-best times.
